Events | Metakosmia

Berlin | September 6, 2024 – March 2, 2025

Nina Fischer & Maroan el Sani, Metakosmia 2024, Courtesy the artists und VG Bild Kunst

Opening: Thursday, September 5, 2024, 7 pm
Exhibition: Sept. 6, 2024 – March 2, 2025, Mon–Sun 10 am–6 pm, Free admission
Location: Schwartzsche Villa, Grunewaldstraße 55, 12165 Berlin
Further Information

Nina Fischer & Maroan el Sani present their latest media installation Metakosmia at the Schwartzsche Villa. The exhibition, curated by Christine Nippe, takes a poignant look at a future in which extreme weather events have rendered the Earth uninhabitable, and survival is only possible in artificial habitats.

At the center is Biosphere 2, a gigantic glasshouse in the Arizona desert. Once conceived as an experiment for extraterrestrial life, it now serves as a research facility to study the effects of climate change. Fischer & el Sani accompany resilience research and question the role of Biosphere 2 as a possible model for survival on an Earth marked by climate change.

Artistic Exploration of Scientific Concepts

The exhibition contextualizes Biosphere 2 with concepts such as Lynn Margulis' symbiogenesis, Steward Brand's "Whole Earth Catalog," and Bruno Latour's "Terrestrial Manifesto." A 2-channel video installation creates a fictional narrative from a future where life is only possible under glass domes. The sonification of a drying experiment in the rainforest biome of Biosphere 2 lets nature itself demand climate justice.

About the Artists

Fischer & el Sani were awarded the Rome Prize of the German Academy Villa Massimo and the Villa Aurora Fellowship in Los Angeles. Their work has been exhibited internationally, including at the Sharjah Biennale, Manifesta 13, Istanbul Biennale, and Sydney Biennale.

Funding & Support

The exhibition is funded by the Fund for Municipal Galleries and FABIK. The work Metakosmia was financially supported by the Medienboard Berlin Brandenburg and the Villa Aurora & Thomas Mann House e.V.

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