Thomas Mann Fellows | 2024
May, Jun, Jul, Aug
Julia Franck | Author

Julia Franck is an author based in Berlin. She studied philosophy, modern German literature, and Ancient American Studies at Freie Universität Berlin. Frank published her first novel, Der Neue Koch, in 1997. Her work has received numerous prizes and awards, including a residency at Villa Massimo in Rome in 2005 and the German Book Prize in 2007. Franck also writes essays on literature, film, and art and is a member of Exil-PEN and PEN Berlin, among others. In 2023 she took the position of editor for Die Andere Bibliothek. Her work has been translated into 40 languages to date.
During her stay in Los Angeles, Julia Franck will explore the conditions of emigration and exile, of staying and living together, and process her thoughts and impressions in an upcoming novel linking past and present.
Selected Awards
2022 | Schiller Memorial Prize
2010 | Nominated for International Dublin Literary Award
2010 | Shortlisted for Independent Foreign Fiction Price
2007 | German Book Prize for Die Mittagsfrau
2005 | Fellowship, German Academy Rome Villa Massimo
Selected Publications
2021 | Welten auseinander. Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer.
2017 | Blaues Licht: Fragmente einer erhofften Begegnung [Prosa zu Else Lasker-Schüler und Franz Marc]. Cologne: Walther König.
2011 | Rücken an Rücken. Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer.
2009 | Ed., Grenzübergänge: Autoren aus Ost und West erinnern sich. Frankfurt: S. Fischer.
2007 | Die Mittagsfrau. Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer.