Villa Aurora Grant Recipients | 2025

Jul, Aug, Sep

Rebecca Racine Ramershoven | Visual Art

Rebecca Racine Ramershoven | Image: Majid Moussavi
Rebecca Racine Ramershoven | Image: Majid Moussavi

Rebecca Racine Ramershoven, born in Bad Nauheim, studied photography at the Folkwang University of the Arts Essen. Today she lives and works in Cologne and Thessaloniki (Greece). As a visual artist, Ramershoven works with the media of photography, video, sound and objects and explores issues of race-related representation as well as sociocultural issues and possibilities. Conceptually, the examination and integration of political and historical contexts play a major role in her work.

During her stay at Villa Aurora, Rebecca Racine Ramershoven will explore the resistance to racial injustice and the power of Black community resistance in Los Angeles. The starting point for her artistic examination will be the efforts, since the 1920s, by dispossessed Black families to reclaim their lands , as well as the current gentrification of Black neighborhoods and areas. This visual exploration will be linked to the possibilities and practices of joyful and community-based resistance.

Rebecca Racine Ramershoven is Villa Aurora Fellow of KunstSalon Köln.

Selected Solo Exhibitions
2020 | Me & Mr. Jones, Baustelle Schaustelle Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf Photo+ 2020

Selected Group Exhibitions
2024 | Grow It! Show It!, Museum Folkwang, Essen
2024 | Make the Conditions Dance: 50 Years of Kemnade International, Kunstmuseum Bochum
2024 I Spot On: Hairytales, Kunstpalast Düsseldorf
2023 I IDENTITIES. Portraying the Intangible, Kunsthalle Trier

2022 | “Contemporary German Photography” stipend awarded by the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung and the Photographic Collection of the Museum Folkwang, Essen.
