Villa Aurora Grant Recipients | 2025

Oct, Nov, Dec

Saskia Warzecha | Literature

Saskia Warzecha | Image: Michael Wolf
Saskia Warzecha | Image: Michael Wolf

Saskia Warzecha, born in Peine, studied computational linguistics at the University of Potsdam, followed by language arts at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and literary writing at the German Institute for Literature at the University of Leipzig. After four years as a software developer, she devoted herself professionally to literature and now lives in Potsdam. She is co-editor of Transistor – Zeitschrift für zeitgenössische Lyrik.

During her stay at Villa Aurora, Saskia Warzecha will be working on a volume of prose poetry. Western modernity has produced an unprecedented interweaving of body, mind, technology, and equipment. But what happens when this binding force fades? Saskia Warzecha wants to explore how people can place themselves in a context from which they can act on an equal footing with objects and living beings and neither fetishize nor marginalize the things that surround them.

Selected Publications
2024 | Farbleib, poems, Matthes & Seitz
2020 | Approximanten, poems, Matthes & Seitz

Selected Awards and Fellowships
2024 | Welten-verbinden Scholarship, Tarczyn
2023 | Working Grant from the Baltic Center for Writers and Translators, Visby
2021 | Heimrad Bäcker Fellowship
2021 | Shortlisted for the Ulla Hahn Authors’ Prize
2019 | Working Grant from the Berlin Senate
2017 | Munich Poetry Prize
