Villa Aurora Grant Recipients | 2022 – 2023
Apr, May, Mar
Antje Majewski | Visual Artist

Antje Majewski’s (b. 1968, Marl, DE) practice comprises paintings, video works, texts and performances that deploy an approach based on anthropological and philosophical questions. Her most recent works are centered around questioning objects, territories and plants, and focus on research surrounding alternate systems of knowledge, storytelling and the potential of transformative processes with a particular interest in cultural and geobotanical migration. An integral part of Majewski’s process is her recurring collaboration with other artists, ecological groups and urbanism-focused collectives.
Works by Antje Majewski have been shown in a number of international exhibitions including those at Kunsthaus Graz (2019), Gropius Bau, Berlin (2019); Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin (2018); CCA Tel Aviv (2016); Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw (2016); Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach (2015); Muzeum Sztuki, Lodz (2014); Deutsche Bank Kunsthalle, Berlin (2013); Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt am Main (2013); Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg (2013); Villa Romana, Florenz (2012); Weltkulturen Museum, Frankfurt am Main (2012); Kunsthaus Graz, Graz (2011) and Salzburger Kunstverein, Salzburg (2008).
Antje Majewski studied art history, history and philosophy in Cologne, Berlin and Florence, and has been a professor of painting at Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design in Kiel since 2011. She lives and works in Berlin and Himmelpfort (DE).
About the Projects
In her project A Journey Reversed Antje Majewski retraced the route that a member of her family, also an artist, took in 1847-49 from Bremen via New York up the Platte River, Salt Lake City to Los Angeles. He was one of many travelers on the Gold Rush and like so many, he arrived in LA in rags and sick, and most likely died soon after. With four letters that he had sent to the family, Majewski traces her ancestor's path and closely engages with the changes in the landscapes that this massive migration and taking of land, the industrialized agriculture and the extraction of fossil energies have caused.
In a separate project, The Osage Orange, Majewski looks at a tree native to Oklahoma, the Osage Orange Tree. She reflects on the different cultural practices the tree is used for and engages with issues of displacement and changes of lifestyle in her work.
Selected Publications
How to talk with birds, trees, fish, shells, snakes, lions and bulls, edited by Ina Dinter and Antje Majewski, Nationalgalerie / Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (Dortmund: Kettler, 2018); Apple. An Introduction (Over and over and once again), edited by Aleksandra Jach, Antje Majewski, Amy Patton, Joanna Sokolowska and Susanne Titz, Museum Abteiberg Mönchengladbach (Berlin/New York: Sternberg Press, 2016); Antje Majewski: Der Meteorit (Heidelberg: Heidelberger Kunstverein, 2014); The World of Gimel: How to Make Objects Talk, edited by Adam Budak and Peter Pakesch, Kunsthaus Graz (Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2011); Antje Majewski: My Very Gestures, edited by Hemma Schmutz and Caroline Schneider, Salzburger Kunstverein (Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2008).
1998 I Lingener Kunstpreis, DE
2000-01 I Residency of the Berlin Senat for Delfina Studios, London, GB