Villa Aurora Grant Recipients | 2022

Jul, Aug, Sep

Kurt Drawert | Writer

Kurt Drawert | Image: Ute Döring
Kurt Drawert | Image: Ute Döring

Kurt Drawert, born in Hennigsdorf, Brandenburg in 1956, apprenticeship as electronics specialist in Dresden, various temporary jobs and high school graduation from evening classes, studies at the Institute for Literature in Leipzig from 1982 to 1984. Kurt Drawert works as freelance author in the fields of of prose, poetry, drama and essay. After residencies in the Federal Republic of Germany and at Villa Massimo in Rome, since 1996 he lives in Darmstadt, where he is the director of the Center for Young Literature. He is a member of the German Academy for Language and Poetry and the Academy of the Arts in Saxony. His work, in all genres, encompasses a fundamental theme: the intersection of body, language and time. The experience of the totalitarian East plays an important role in the work of Kurt Drawert.


Publications (Selection)

2020 ⅼ Spiegelland. Ein deutscher Monolog, Verlag C. H. Beck (Suhrkamp 1991)

2020 ⅼ Dresden. Die zweite Zeit, Verlag C. H. Beck, novel

2016 ⅼ Der Körper meiner Zeit, Verlag C. H. Beck, poem

2012 ⅼ Schreiben. Vom Leben der Texte, Verlag C. H. Beck, monograph

2011 ⅼ Idylle, rückwärts. Gedichte aus drei Jahrzehnten, Verlag C. H. Beck, poems

2008 ⅼ Ich hielt meinen Schatten für einen anderen und grüßte, Verlag C. H. Beck, novel


Awards (Selection)

2017 ⅼ Lessingpreis, Free State of Saxony

2014 ⅼ Robert-Gernhard-Preis

2008 ⅼ Rainer-Malkowski-Preis

1994 ⅼ Uwe-Johnson-Preis

1993 ⅼ Ingeborg-Bachmann-Preis

1989 ⅼ Leonce-und-Lena-Preis
