Villa Aurora Grant Recipients | 2017
Jul, Aug, Sep
Ignaz Schick | Composer

- 1972
- born in Trostberg, Bavaria
Ignaz Schick is a turntablist, sound artist, performer, composer and visual artist. After meeting Don Cherry in his childhood he studied the saxophone and performed in free jazz and avant rock bands. At the same time he was getting obsessed with multitrack tape machines, record players and effect boxes and he started experimenting with many different instruments and sound making devices. After college he briefly studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich and worked for several years as an assistant for the contemporary composer Josef Anton Riedl. Since 1995 he lives & works in Berlin where he became an active and integral force of the so-called "Berlin Nouvelle Vague" and the blossoming "experimental" music scene. He has been also prolific as curator (Festival für Andere Musik, Erase & Reset, Time Shifts, TITO, Echtzeitmusiktage 2010, ...) and runs the experimental music label Zarek. Schick has toured worldwide as a soloist or with groups like Perlonex, Phosphor, Berlin Sound Connective, Nighthawk Kitchen, Tree People, Splitter Orchestra, Ilog and many more (...). He has released music on several labels like Absinth, Boomslang Records, Charhizmha, Irrah, Le Petit Mignon, Mikroton, Nexsound, Non Visual Objects, Potlatch, Staalplaat and his own imprint Zarek and collaborated with more than a hundred international sonic artists - amongst others with such iconoclasts like Mwata Bowden, Don Cherry, Sven-Ake Johansson, Paul Lovens, Toshi Nakamura, Charlemagne Palestine, Andrea Parkins, Keith Rowe, Matthias Spahlinger or Martin Tetreault. Since 2012 he focusses on conceptual composition and experimental radio pieces. In parallel he has started several new projects with a new generation of Berlin experimentalists (Ilog, Yemen Breakfast, Radio Nightmares, Hawking, Overdue, KUDU, …) and composes & works a lot for/with his large workshop ensemble Circuit Training (including such players as Tom Arthurs [tp], Benjamin Weidekamp [reeds], Ignaz Schick [turntables], Eliad Wagner [synths], Marta Zapparoli [tapes], Achim Kaufmann [piano], Klaus Kürvers [bass], Emilio Gordoa [vibes, perc], Alexandre Babel [perc.]). During his stay at Villa Aurora he will work on a 50 minute long radiophonic & electro-acoustic multitrack composition based on materials collected during his stay in the LA region.