Villa Aurora Grant Recipients | 2014
Oct, Nov, Dec
Katrin Mayer | Artist

- 1974
- born in Oberstdorf
Katrin Mayer studied Art and Art Theory in Karlsruhe and Hamburg and has lived in Berlin since 2009. Her works deal with the intersections between art, research, architecture, display and decor. She interweaves visual textures and surfaces with site specific spatial and historical contexts, often in gender policy issues. The artist is currently working on her Ph.D. thesis on this topic in Hamburg.
Mayer developed works for the following institutions: Kunsthalle Bielefeld, Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, Museum Abteiberg Mönchengladbach, Museum of Contemporary Art Siegen, KUB Arena Kunsthaus Bregenz, Kunstverein Dusseldorf, Grazer Kunstverein, HAU - Hebbel am Ufer Berlin, etc. She was a fellow of the artists' residencies Worpswede and Bleckede.
In Los Angeles she is going to conduct research on the Woman's Building, that was established in 1973, to illuminate its interdisciplinary working practices under the assumption that a critical examination of existing standards also takes place at the level of display and materiality. Co-founder and graphic designer Sheila de Bretteville for example, worked on non-hierarchical forms of presentation and poster campaigns in the public space. The young artists of the Feminist Art Program, established by Judy Chicago, experimented with materials such as fabrics, glitter and craft techniques they re-appropriated. Thus they thematized the problematic aesthetic and ideological opposites such as work and ornament, high and low art, autonomous creation and decoration, as well as their gender connotations that are effective up today.