Events | KYUNGMI SHIN: Fly to India for Gold, Ransack the Ocean for Orient Pearl

Berlin | January 13, 2024 – February 24, 2024

Exhibition view "Fly to India for Gold, Ransack the Ocean for Orient Pearl" by Kyungmi Shin. Photo courtesy of 68projects

January 13 - February 24, 2024
Opening: Saturday, January 13, 2024, 6:00 pm
68projects, Fasanenstr. 68, 10719 Berlin
Further information

The exhibition "Fly to India for Gold, Ransack the Ocean for Orient Pearl" showcases Kyungmi Shin's profound exploration of the intertwined histories of Germany and Asia. Shin skillfully combines elements from cultural exchanges to create layers that embody cultural appreciation rather than appropriation. Her sensitive and creative approach initiates a dialogue about intercultural exchange, reflecting the long tradition of global interactions.

The works of VATMH Berlin Fellow Kyungmi Shin include painting, sculpture, and photography, composed of a variety of materials and media. Shin critically examines the impacts of colonialism, capitalism, and religious expansion on the world. Her art illuminates the complexity and contradictions of human experiences, shedding light on the multifaceted aspects of history, identity, and migration.

An exhibition by 68projects by KORNFELD

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