Events | Marta - An installation by Sonya Schönberger

Berlin | November 2, 2023 – March 3, 2024

USC Libraries, Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, and USC Digital Library. Image editing Christof Zwiener and Sonya Schönberger

November 3, 2023 – March 3, 2024
Opening: Thursday, November 2, 2023, 6:00 PM
Villa Oppenheim, Schloßstraße 55, 14059 Berlin
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For a period of three months, the artist Sonya Schönberger resided in Marta Feuchtwanger's living quarters at Villa Aurora. During this time, she slept, worked, contemplated the world outside the window, glimpsed herself in the mirror, and discreetly stored personal belongings within the furniture. Marta, along with her husband Lion, sought refuge in the United States following their exile in Southern France. In 1942, they settled into their new abode on Paseo Miramar. Marta devoted many years of her life to curating her husband's legacy, now safeguarded at the University of Southern California (USC).

Within the storage depot, unassuming relics of Marta's life lay dormant, nestled within seemingly haphazardly assembled small containers, devoid of explanation. Sonya Schönberger directed her focus towards these artifacts, orchestrating and meticulously documenting them, in her quest to unearth a profound understanding of Marta Feuchtwanger's existence.

An exhibition of the Museum Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf in the Villa Oppenheim

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