Thomas Mann Fellows | 2025
Jul, Aug, Sep
Dr. Uwe Jean Heuser | Journalist

Uwe Jean Heuser studied economics in Bonn and Berkeley, earned a Master of Public Administration at Harvard as a McCloy Scholar, and completed his doctorate in Cologne. He joined the editorial team of DIE ZEIT at the end of 1991, where he founded the Reform Workshop and headed the business editorial team for 20 years before founding the newspaper’s new “Green” section in 2021. He is an award-winning non-fiction author and serves as an honorary professor at Leuphana University.
At the Thomas Mann House, Uwe Jean Heuser will deal with the climate discourse, which is highly ideologized and often ends in conflict instead of uniting society. Both in Germany and the United States, he will look for new transatlantic approaches that can create the basis for a new narrative for climate change that reaches a larger number of people.
Selected Awards
2011 | Dietrich Oppenberg Media Prize (1st prize) for the ZEIT article “Denken, wie das Netz es will”
2008 | getAbstract International Book Award of the Frankfurt Book Fair for Humanomics
2004 | Herbert Quandt Media Prize for Schöpfer und Zerstörer (collection of articles and book)
2004 | Bucerius Fellowship, Center for European Studies, Harvard University
Selected Publications
2023 | Die ZEIT Green: Lösungen für die Welt von morgen. Munich: Droemer Verlag.
2017 | Kapitalismus inklusive: So können wir den Kampf gegen die Populisten gewinnen. Hamburg: Edition Körber.
2008 | Humanomics: Die Entdeckung des Menschen in der Wirtschaft. Frankfurt and New York: Campus Verlag.