Thomas Mann Fellows | 2025
Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
Sandra Kegel | Journalist

Sandra Kegel studied literature, theater, film and media studies in Aix-en-Provence, Vienna and Frankfurt. She has been an editor at the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung since 1999. She worked in the media and literature departments for many years and has been head of the FAZ features section since 2019. She also works as a juror and presenter and is a regular critic on the literary program “Buchzeit” (3sat). In 2005, she was awarded the Ravensburg Media Prize.
During her fellowship, Sandra Kegel is investigating the extent to which the decline of the (local) press is promoting populism and mistrust in democratic structures and what lessons can be learned from the findings for the German newspaper landscape. She will also examine the use of AI in media companies and its implications for the journalistic ecosystem.
Selected Awards
2005 | Ravensburg Media Prize for the article “Wir Rabenmütter,” FAZ, April 28, 2005
Selected Publications
2024 | “Willkommen oder nicht. Als Thomas Mann 1949 nach Frankfurt und Weimar fuhr, um Goethe zu würdigen,” in Klassisch Modern. Das Magazin der Klassik Stiftung Weimar, vol. 4.
2023 | “Allein unter Männern. Die Demokratie ist für uns selbstverständlich, dabei steht sie unter Druck. Volksparteien verlieren an Bindung, digitale Blasen ersetzen die öffentliche Debatte. Was macht das mit Lokalpolitikern?“ FAZ, Feuilleton, July 22, 2023.
2022 | Ed., Prosaische Passionen. Die weibliche Moderne in 101 Short Stories. Übersetzungen aus 25 Weltsprachen. Munich: Manesse.