Thomas Mann Fellows | 2025

Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec

Susanne Beyer | Journalist

Susanne Beyer | Image: Christiane Körte
Susanne Beyer | Image: Christiane Körte

Susanne Beyer studied German literature, history and journalism in Bamberg and Vienna. After her vocational training at Deutsche Journalistenschule (DJS), she initially worked as a culture editor at SPIEGEL, where she was deputy head of department. She was deputy editor-in-chief of SPIEGEL for four years, then worked as a journalist in SPIEGEL's Berlin office and now writes for the editorial team. Alongside her job, Susanne Beyer is currently training to become a mediator.

Can mediation strengthen democracy? Susanne Beyer is investigating this question as part of her fellowship at the Thomas Mann House. How can the concept be applied to debate cultures? Can we develop journalistic formats that encourage a change of perspective and a balancing of interests?

Selected Awards

2020 | Jury member of the German Non-Fiction Prize
Since 2019 | Lectureship at Deutsche Journalistenschule (DJS)
2009 until 2014 | Jury member of the Geschwister Scholl Prize

Selected Publications

2023 | “Besteht die Regierung aus Wahnsinnigen und Idioten?” Op-ed column, DER SPIEGEL.
2023 | “Mein Vorschlag zur Rettung der Streitkultur.” Op-ed column, DER SPIEGEL.
2021 | “Wie sich das Land unter Kanzlerin Merkel verändert hat.” DER SPIEGEL
