Thomas Mann Fellows | 2024
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Oct
Prof. Dr. Andrea Römmele | Communication scientist and political scientist

Andrea Römmele is Professor of Political Communication and Dean and Vice President at the Hertie School in Berlin. She holds a master’s degree from San Francisco State University, a doctorate from the University of Heidelberg, and a habilitation from Freie Universität Berlin. Römmele’s research interests include digital democracy, elections, and electoral campaigns and parties. For Römmele, a central issue is mediating between science and practice. One of her current projects is the “Democracy Report,” developed jointly with ARD, which she moderates herself.
Andrea Römmele explores the impact that major societal megatrends – such as technology and AI, urbanization, demographic and social change, climate change and resource scarcity, or global growth markets – have on democracies. How do different systemic and societal structures in Germany and the U.S. affect these developments?
Selected Awards
2012/2013 | Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Modern German Studies
2012/2013 | Fellow at NRW School of Governance, University of Duisburg-Essen
Research Fellowship of the German Research Foundation (DFG)
Dissertation Fellowship of the Gottlieb-Daimler und Carl Benz Stiftung (today: Daimler and Benz Foundation)
Selected Publications
2020 | with Homero Gil de Zúñiga and Karolina Koc-Michalska: “Populism in the Era of Twitter: How Social Media Contextualized New Insights into an Old Phenomenon.” New Media & Society 22 (4): 585–94.
2019 | Zur Sache! Für eine neue Streitkultur in Politik und Gesellschaft. Berlin: Aufbau Verlag.
2013 | Ed. (with Henning Banthien): Empowering Citizens: Studies in Collaborative Democracy. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
2004 | Ed. (with Rachel K. Gibson and Stephen J. Ward): Electronic Democracy? Mobilisation, Participation and Organisation via New ICTs. London: Routledge.
2002 | Direkte Kommunikation zwischen Parteien und Wählern: Professionalisierte Wahlkampftechnologien in den USA und der BRD. Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.