Thomas Mann Fellows | 2024

Feb, Mar, Apr

Prof. Dr. Sabine_ Hark | Sociologist

Sabine_ Hark | Image: Stephan Röhl
Sabine_ Hark | Image: Stephan Röhl

Sabine_ Hark has been Professor of Gender Studies and director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies at the Technical University of Berlin since 2009. Hark has researched and taught at universities around the globe, including in Germany, Austria, Canada, Switzerland, and the USA. In addition to numerous positions as a board member and co-founder (of, for example, the organization WIR MACHEN DAS – wearedoingit e.V.), she is also co-editor of the journal Feministische Studien.

How do we want to live together as a society? This question will be explored by Susanne Baer, Sabine_ Hark, and Rahel Jaeggi during their time at the Thomas Mann House. By bringing critical legal studies and comparative constitutionalism into conversation with social philosophy, critical theory, feminist and queer theory, they aim to contribute to a practice theory of solidarity.


2020/21 | Fellowship as part of the program “Originalitätsverdacht: Neue Optionen für die Geistes-und Kulturwissenschaften – Komm! Ins Offene,“ Volkswagenstiftung, Project: “Gemeinschaft der Ungewählten. Umrisse eines politischen Ethos der Kohabitation”

2019 | Distinguished Visitor, University of Alberta, Edmonton (Canada)

Selected Publications

2023 | with Johanna Hofbauer: Die ungleiche Universität: Diversität, Exzellenz und Anti-Diskriminierung. Vienna: Passagen Verlag.
2022 | “Dispossession: Gender and the Construction of Us/Them Dichotomies.” In The Perils of Populism, edited by Sarah Tobias and Arlene Stein, 55–71. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
2021 | Gemeinschaft der Ungewählten: Umrisse eines politischen Ethos der Kohabitation. Berlin: Suhrkamp.
2021 | “Schwierige Solidarität.” In Unbedingte Solidarität, edited by Jens Kastner and Lea Susemichel, 67–80. Münster: Unrast.
2021 | “Die Netzwerke des Lebens.“ In Heile Welt: 32 Ideen für ein Leben nach Corona, edited by Thomas Kasper and Stephan Hebel, 133–38. Frankfurt am Main: Societas.
