Thomas Mann Fellows | 2022
Jan, Feb, Mar
Mohamed Amjahid | Journalist

Mohamed Amjahid was born as the son of so-called guest workers in Frankfurt am Main in 1988. He attended school in Morocco until he graduated from high school. He studied political science in Berlin and Cairo and conducted research on various anthropological projects in North Africa. During his studies, he worked as a journalist for taz, Frankfurter Rundschau and Deutschlandfunk. After completing his master's degree, Amjahid worked as a trainee at the Tagesspiegel in Berlin. Afterwards he worked as a political reporter for the weekly newspaper Die Zeit and Zeit Magazin. He is currently working on several new book projects. Anthropologically and journalistically, he focuses on human rights, equality and upheaval in the USA, Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. On Twitter he writes under the handle @mamjahid, on Instagram @m_amjahid.
Publications (Selection)
2020 | Höllenqualen (co-author: Holger Stark): Ein mutmaßlicher Peiniger aus einem Assad-Foltergefängnis steht in Koblenz vor Gericht. In: Die Zeit.
2019 | Contribution for „Extreme Sicherheit: Rechtsradikale in Polizei, Verfassungsschutz, Bundeswehr und Justiz“. Ed.: Heike Klefner and Matthias Meisner. Herder.
2018 | Algerienkrieg: Auf der falschen Seite. In: Die Zeit.
2018 | AfD: Von rechter Traute. In: Die Zeit.
2018 | Asma al-Assad: Ein Leben für den Diktator. In: Zeit-Magazin.
2017 | Unter Weißen. Was es heißt, privilegiert zu sein. Hanser Berlin.
2016 | Budapest: Kinder an der Macht. In: Zeit-Magazin.
2015 | Contribution for “Und das ist erst der Anfang: Deutschland und die Flüchtlinge" Ed.: Anja Reschke. Rowohlt.
2012 | Reportage journey through the U.S. for Frankfurter Rundschau and Berliner Zeitung: and
Awards (Selection)
2018 | Henri-Nannen-Preis in the category lnvestigation together with Holger Stark, Yassin Musharbash, Fritz Zimmermann, Daniel Müller and Sebastian Mondial.
2017 | Reporterpreis in the category lnvestigation
2015 | Leadaward in Gold for best contribution of the year, togehter with the editorial teams of ZEITMagazins for the German-Arabic edition of May 2015
2014 | Alexander-Ahornberg-Preis for young journalists (Alexander-Ahornberg-Stiftung and Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache)
Project Description
At Thomas Mann House, Mohamed Amjahid wants to continue his previous journalistic work and, through research work in Los Angeles, approach a transfer of knowledge for the development of a new German language that is concerned with inclusivity, visibility and the emacipation of minorities. As a result of this research, a handbook will be developed with which minorities and thus society as a whole in Germany and Europe can be strengthened.