Thomas Mann Fellows | 2021
Oct, Nov, Dec
Birte Meier | Journalist

Birte Meier studied at the FU Berlin, the University of Chicago and the University of the Arts Berlin and holds a master's degree in North American Studies, Modern History and Journalism. Since 2007, she has been a ZDF editor, producing investigative stories on politics and business - primarily on digitalization, globalization and the transformation of the market economy and democracy.
Publications (Selection)
2021| Equal Pay Now! The „Gender Pay Gap“ in transatlantic perspective. Birte Meier in conversation with Heike Paul.“, in „Common Grounds, American Democracy after Trump“, Amerikastudien/American Studies 66, 20212020 | Gender Pay Gap: I should earn more!, Die Zeit
2018 | Amazon: How returned goods as good as new are massively destroyed, ZDF, Frontal21 (with Ch. Esser, A. Randerath)
2018 | Tricks of Meat Adulteration, Documentary, ZDFInfo, Frontal21 (with Ch. Esser, A. Feist, H. Koberstein)
2016 | Rent-a-Sozi-Affair, ZDF, Frontal21 (with Ch. Esser)
2014 | The Great Samwer Show, Documentary, ZDF, Frontal21 (with Ch. Esser)
2013 | The Non-Voters, Documentary, ZDF!nfo/Phoenix (with Ch. Esser, D. Sümening, A. Wiemers)
Awards (Selection)
2019 | UmweltMedienpreis 2019 of Environmental Action Germany (DUH)
2018 | Friedrich-Vogel-Preis
2015 | Deutscher Wirtschaftsfilmpreis des Bundeswirtschaftsministeriums
2013 | Journalist in Residence, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin
2012 | China Media Ambassador, Robert Bosch-Stiftung
2012 | Fellowship, Aspen Seminar, Aspen Institute Deutschland
2010 | Kellen Fellow, American Council on Germany
Planned Project
During her fellowship at Thomas Mann House, Birte Meier will research and publish on Equal Pay: In California there has been a cultural change in the matter of Equal Pay. Women are beginning to successfully demand equal pay for equal work. How did California do that? What can Germany learn from California so that women are empowered to effectively demand their constitutional right to equal pay?