Thomas Mann Fellows | 2019
May, Jun, Jul, Aug
Dr. Lisa Riedner | Social Anthropologist

Dr. Lisa Riedner is a social anthropologist with a research focuses on racism, precarization, and urban migration and border regimes. She is currently working as a research fellow at the University of Göttingen on a research project about the relation between migrant self-organizations and trade unions in Western Germany in the 1980s and 90s (2017-2019). Additionally, she works as a self-employed researcher and lecturer. In spring 2018, Lisa Riedner conducted a study on the requirements of homeless EU-migrants for the city of Frankfurt. In 2009, she completed a master’s degree in Anthropological Research at the University of Manchester. Between 2012 and 2016, Riedner was a Fellow of the Hans-Böckler-Foundation. She earned a Ph.D. at the University of Göttingen in January 2017 (summa cum laude). Her PhD project examined the governance of EU migration in Munich and was closely connected with the “Initiative Zivilcourage” (civic courage initiative) in Munich. Between 2010 and today, this initiative founded a temporary workers center and supported homeless EU-migrant in solving conflicts with their employers, the communal bureaucracy and the police. In 2010, the initiative was awarded with the Lichtblicke Award by the city of Munich. Lisa Riedner is an active founding member of the networks Europe for All and kritnet (Critical Migration and Border Regime Research) and serves on the editorial board of the open-access online journal Movements.