Thomas Mann Fellows | 2019
Prof. Dr. Frido Mann | Psychologist and Author

Frido Mann, born 1940 in Monterey, California, worked for many years as a clinical psychologist in Münster, Leipzig and Prague after studying music, Catholic theology and psychology. He lives today as a freelance writer in Munich. Most recently, he wrote “An die Musik. Ein autobiographischer Essay“ (To the Music: An Autobiographical Essay) and, together with Christine Mann, "Es werde Licht. Die Einheit von Geist und Materie in der Quantenphysik “ (There will be Light - The Unity of Mind and Matter in Quantum Physics). In August 2018, “Das Weiße Haus des Exils" (The White House of Exile) about the Thomas Mann House in Los Angeles published by S. Fischer Verlag.