News |Call for applications: Thomas Mann Fellowships 2022

© Monacensia

The Thomas Mann House in Los Angeles sees itself as a lively place for transatlantic debate, where outstanding personalities explore fundamental political, social and cultural questions of the present and the future in exchange with each other and with the host country. For the year 2022, fellowships for a stay of 3 to a maximum of 10 months at the Thomas Mann House are again announced.

Applications are open to scholars in the humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, technology and economics, writers, as well as thought leaders and intellectuals from non-academic fields such as culture, politics, media and business who live or have lived in Germany for an extended period of time. The possession of German citizenship is not required.

Interested applicants should submit a project proposal that addresses the pressing challenges of our time and has transatlantic relevance. Open dialogue with a broad public is a central concern of the Fellowship Program. Therefore, in addition to very good English language skills, intellectual curiosity, and a willingness to engage in interdisciplinary dialogue, Thomas Mann Fellows are also expected to actively and intensively engage in exchange locally and beyond California and to network with partners and institutions in the United States. Each application should be accompanied by a strong letter of recommendation.


Special consideration will be given to applications on the following topics:

Restoring Public Trust
Trust means expecting others to use their freedom competently and responsibly despite uncertainty. The more uncertain the political situation, the greater the social trust must be. The pandemic has further exacerbated the worldwide uncertainty caused by digitalization, climate change and globalization. General mistrust seems to be growing, and with it conspiracy theories and misinformation. What steps are conceivable to restore the public trust on which democratic societies thrive? What are some positive examples of restoring public trust at the neighborhood, city, or state level and in international dialogue?
Imagining Equality in Diversity
Since the French Revolution, liberty, equality, and fraternity have been among the core values of democratic communities. Yet numerous studies show growing inequality in income, wealth, mobility, health care, and participation in education. Equality of opportunity depends on background. It is time to ask the question anew: How can we imagine today, after the loss of the utopian dreams of the 20th century, an equal, just and diverse society on a national and international level - concretely and visionary?



As a residency center of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Thomas Mann House with its interdisciplinary program is committed to the spirit of Thomas Mann. During his time in America, the writer intensively addressed questions about the roots of fascism, democratic renewal, freedom, migration, and exile in his literary works, lectures, and essays. Following on from this socio-political work, the Thomas Mann House today is dedicated to the relevant questions of our time. It brings German and American interlocutors from different disciplines, intellectual and artistic traditions, and with different political views into conversation. Fellowships and events facilitate encounters and intellectual exchange.

The application form can be accessed here. The deadline for applications is February 28, 2021.

The fellows will be chosen by an independent advisory board appointed by the Board of Trustees of the Villa Aurora & Thomas Mann House e. V.

The Thomas Mann Fellowships are generously supported by the Berthold Leibinger Stiftung, the Robert Bosch Stiftung, and the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung.



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