News |In Response to Current Events

November 7, 2023 – We continue to be dismayed and deeply shaken by Hamas' horrific attack on Israel. The massacre on October 7 brought unimaginable suffering to the victims and their families. It has subsequently affected civilian populations throughout the region and torpedoed efforts to find a political solution to the Middle East conflict. We stand in solidarity with Israel, which has the right to defend its existence against this terror.

As an institution whose history is inextricably linked to war and seeking refuge, our thoughts and our most heartfelt sympathy go out to all civilians affected by the armed conflicts: both in Israel and in Gaza, where the humanitarian situation and the increasing number of war victims are deeply distressing. All humans have the universal right to live in safety and without violence.

In the face of terror and war, it is difficult to find the right words. Still, it is disturbing to see the many statements that are relativizing, sometimes even glorifying the despicable attack by Hamas on civilians in Israel. We are very concerned about the flare-up and sharp rise in anti-Semitism and the threat to Jewish life worldwide. We will resolutely oppose this development as part of our work.

The Villa Aurora & Thomas Mann House Association supports artists, thought leaders, and intellectuals who, at our residencies in Los Angeles, represent a diversity of opinions, positions, and approaches. We remain deeply committed to this freedom of expression. This includes the possibility to publicly judge every government in the world by its plans and its actions. However, this goes hand in hand with the obligation to contribute, both in tone and choice of words, to an empathetic and peaceful coexistence of all – without any form of racism, exclusion, and hatred. Together with our partners, we stand up for a world guided by humanity and compassion.

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