News |Thomas Mann Fellows 2022

© VATMH / Mike Kelley

The Thomas Mann House Advisory Board selected the following five fellows for a 2022 residency at the former home of Thomas Mann in Los Angeles: Archaeologist Sunhild Kleingärtner, Librarian and Historian Ulrich Johannes Schneider, Architect Rosario Talevi, Literary and Cultural scholar Swenja Zaremba, and Innovation researcher Rubina Zern-Breuer.

The Thomas Mann House is a space for debate on the most pressing questions of our time. For 2022, "Restoring Public Trust" and "Imagining Equality in Diversity" have been announced as annual themes. During their three- to four-month stays, the 2022 Thomas Mann Fellows will address the following topics:

  • Sunhild Kleingärtner explores in a transatlantic dialogue how social trust in the institution of the museum can be strengthened for the future and thus also its role for a resilient society.
  • Ulrich Johannes Schneider, as part of a project of a global library history of modernity, investigates how one can define the function and role of libraries in society from their internationally different uses.
  • Rosario Talevi explores the public urban infrastructures of Los Angeles as sites of possible transformation, with a particular focus on those places where Ethics of Care can be practiced.
  • Swenja Zaremba and Rubina Zern-Breuer would like to show in a case study the transformative potential the method of community organizing can have for German public administration as well as for civil society networks and what the method possibly can contribute to local democracy.

The members of the independent advisory board are Prof. Dr. Helmut Anheier (Professor of Sociology at the Hertie School of Governance, member of the U.S. Advisory Board of the TMH), Christiane Benner (Second Chairwoman of IG Metall), Dr. Carolin Emcke (Author), Dr. Cathleen Fisher (President of the American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation), Christian Hänel (Head of Future Issues and Foundation Development at the Robert Bosch Stiftung), Lorena Jaume-Palasí (Founder of The Ethical Tech Society), Prof. Dr. Peter Jelavich (Professor of History at Johns Hopkins University), Dr. Thomas Kempf (Member of the Board of the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation), Janina Kugel (Senior Advisor Boston Consulting Group), Prof. Dr. Ulrich Raulff (President of the IfA – Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen), Alex Ross (Journalist at the New Yorker, Member of the U.S. Advisory Board of TMH).

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