Villa Aurora Grant Recipients | 2010
Jan, Feb, Mar
María Cecilia Barbetta | Writer

- 1972
- born in Buenos Aires, Argentinia
- 1996
- moved to Berlin, Germany
- since 2005
- lives as freelanced author
In Cooperation with the literature festival Wortspiele in Munich the awardee is invited for one month to the Villa Aurora.
María Cecilia Barbetta was born 1972 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where she studied German as foreign language. Ms. Barbetta was awarded a DAAD grant in 1996 to study in Berlin, where she ultimately settled and works as a freelance writer since 2005.
2006, María Cecilia Barbetta was awarded a grant from the Berlin Senate and received the Alfred Doeblin grant from the German Academy of Art 2007. In the same year, she participated at the Authors Prose Workshop of the Berlin Literary Colloquium.
For her first novel “Änderungsschneiderei Los Milagros” (S. Fischer Verlag) Ms. Barbetta was awarded the ‘aspekte Literaturpreis 2008’, the ‘Albert-von-Chamisso-Förderpreis,’ and also the ‘Bayern 2-Wortspiele Preis’ (2009).