Villa Aurora Grant Recipients | 2010
Oct, Nov, Dec
Uljana Wolf | Writer

- 1979
- born in Berlin
- today
- lives as poet and translater in Berlin and Brooklyn
Uljana Wolf is a poet and translator, whose writing plays on the linguistic subtleties that make communication so idiosyncratic. After her first book of poems “kochanie ich habe brot gekauft” (2006, kookbooks), which was awarded the Peter-Huchel Preis and Dresdner Lyrikpreis the same year, her new book “falsche freunde” (2009, kookbooks) is concerned with the poetics of translation, and finds sense slipping in and out of coded thoughts, crossing the ever-shifting border between languages.
Publications in the USA:
New European Poets (Graywolf 2008)
Dichten #10: 16 New German Poets (Burning Deck 2008)
Seven Poets from Berlin: Chicago Review (Herbst 2009)
Poems from Germany: