Villa Aurora Grant Recipients | 2024

Aug, Sep

Laura Stellacci | Choreographer

Laura Stellacci | Image: Emile Rubino
Laura Stellacci | Image: Emile Rubino

Laura Stellacci’s work involves dance, performance, costume, textiles, and sound. She examines the relationship between everyday gestures, politics of the body, and cultural references. By translating textile methods such as knitting, sewing, and cutting into other media, Laura choreographs the ties between performativity, temporality and community.

During her residency at Villa Aurora, Laura will be researching and composing an experimental audio piece that explores the figure of a Catholic nun and the subcultural influences of the Latinx/Chicanx punk scene in East LA. Based on the fictionalised story of the former Club Vex and one of its co-founders, Sister Karen Boccalero, this project aims to trace the intersections of religious devotion and artistic practice.

Selected Works
2024 | Radio Donna dance-performance, presented at Mousonturm, Frankfurt am Main
2022 | The Antiphon dance-performance based on the 1958 play by Djuna Barnes
2021 | Listening Sites radio format and live performance
2018 | get rid of your self  VR video and installation
Laura Stellaci is a Villa Aurora Fellow courtesy  of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation.
