Villa Aurora Grant Recipients | 2024

Apr, May, Jun

Lorenz Kienzle | Visual Artist

Lorenz Kienzle | Image: Tanja Marotzke
Lorenz Kienzle | Image: Tanja Marotzke

Lorenz Kienzle, born in Munich, studied photography in Rome and Berlin. In earlier projects and publications, he dealt with East German industrial culture. In 2006, he began a long-term collaboration with the U.S. sculptor Richard Serra. Since 2010 he has been working on several projects on fictional and real places in the work of Theodor Fontane and Alfred Döblin. Since 2018, he has also been dealing, in his curatorial work, with the estates of East German photographers. Lorenz Kienzle lives and works in Berlin.  
His planned project for his stay at Villa Aurora, "Döblin in Exile in L.A.," adds important biographical aspects to Kienzle's photographic-artistic work "Döblin and the Metropolis." Kienzle intends to photograph real and fictional places in Los Angeles and connect them with quotes from Döblin. His project is based on Döblin's extensive correspondence as well as biographical notes. Together with his already existing work, he wants to create an exhibition that is filled with the voices of the author and his fictional characters and that reflects on the social and political upheavals recurring in our time.

Lorenz Kienzle is Villa Aurora Fellow of the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe.

Selected Solo Exhibitions
2021 | Brandenburger Industrielandschaften 1992–2021, Museumsfabrik Pritzwalk
2021 | Brandenburger Industrielandschaften 1992–2021, Kunstsammlung Lausitz at Schloss Senftenberg
2020 | Lorenz Kienzle – Fotografien von 1994–2018, Galerie argus fotokunst, Berlin

Selected Group Exhibitions
2022 | Transition, Fotogalerie Friedrichshain, Berlin – "The Disappearance of Horno" (1992–2020)
2021 | Wildnis, Gelände, Natur, Galerie Amalienpark – Raum für Kunst, Berlin-Pankow – "Gutspark Karwe"

Selected Prizes and Awards
2023 | DigAMus Award, together with Ronka Oberhammer, Omar Akahare and the Museumsverband des Landes Brandenburg e.V. for a 5-part video tutorial on object photography
2022 | Grant for "Döblin in Exile" from VG Bild-Kunst
2016 | Artist Grant from LOTTO-Stiftung Berlin, Berlin Senate
