Villa Aurora Grant Recipients | 2024
Jan, Feb, Mar
Constantin Lieb | Screenwriter

Constantin Lieb studied philosophy, German literature, and applied literature in Berlin. In his work as a screenwriter, he is interested in the combination of narrative cinema with literary forms and themes from the visual arts. Since 2021, he has been publishing the podcast Filmskript – Über das Drehbuchschreiben (Film Script – On Screenwriting) of the German Film Academy with Heide Schwochow; in addition, he works as a dramaturg. Together with Felix von Boehm, he founded the communication agency art/beats and realized a variety of documentary films for artists, galleries, and museums.
For his stay in Los Angeles, Constantin Lieb has planned two projects: a cinema adaptation of Georg Büchner's prose fragment Lenz, as well as research on the beginnings of the screenplay as a literary form and the influence of European filmmakers on the Hollywood studio structure in the 1910s to 1940s.
Constantin Lieb is Villa Aurora Fellow of Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg.
Selected Filmography
2024 | Die Flut (TV movie)
2023 | Jeder schreibt für sich allein (theatrical documentary film)
2023 | German Genius (TV series)
2021 | Fabian oder Der Gang vor die Hunde (motion picture)
2019 | Eden (TV series)
2018 | Asphaltgorillas (motion picture)
Selected Prizes and Awards
2021 | Nominated for German Film Award – Best Screenplay for Fabian
2021 | Dunav Film Fest – Best Screenplay for Fabian
2020 | Grimme-Preis Spezial for Eden