Villa Aurora Grant Recipients | 2023
Jul, Aug, Sep
Nieves de la Fuente | Visual Artist

Nieves de la Fuente was born in Madrid, Spain and received her Bachelor of Fine Arts at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. From 2013 to 2016, she studied at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne where she completed her postgraduate studies. In 2018, she began working as an art research assistant at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne and later at the Academy of Fine Arts Burg Giebichenstein Halle (Saale).
Nieves de la Fuente is Villa Aurora Fellow of KunstSalon Köln.
Project Description
"Art is for me a discursive tool for the production of spatial constructions. I have mainly worked sculptural and in the form of installation to follow my process of investigation. (…) My decision on virtuality and the production of experience as a medium must be viewed politically. As a woman and artist, I want to explore the cultural potential of intellectual and digital landscapes as a subject of artistic research. […] Concerns about ecology, the Anthropocene, and feminism are recurrent themes I revisit in my whole praxis.”
Solo exhibitions (Selection)
2016 | “No habrá servicio los domingos ni en el cumpleaños de la Reina Victoria,” Matjö Galerieraum des BBK, Cologne
2018 | “Bridge,” Matjö, Cologne
Group exhibitions (Selection)
2015 | “Caracaballo,” Meinblau Projektraum, Berlin
2019 | “The Unfrightened,” on the street, Berlin
2019 | “Lex Wolf,” Temporary Gallery, Cologne
2021 | “Hambacherforst 360°,” online
2021 | “Lonely Machines,” Mountainview Gallery, Fuhrwerkswaage, Cologne
2022 | “Alvirah & Willy,” online
Prizes/Awards (Selection)
2022 | E.R.D.E. Scholarship, Academy of Media Arts in Cologne
2022 | Female Artist Award of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia for Digital Art
2021 | Artist in Residence, Bildungswerkstatt TH Cologne
2018 | Equality and Promotion Prize for Female Artists, KHM