Villa Aurora Grant Recipients | 2022
Jul, Aug, Sep
Carola Bauckholt | Composer

Carola Bauckholt was born in Krefeld in 1959. After working at the Theater am Marienplatz (TAM), Krefeld for several years, she studied composition at the Musikhochschule Köln with Mauricio Kagel. Since 2015 she has been teaching composition with a focus on contemporary music theater at the Anton Bruckner Private University in Linz, Austria. A central moment in her work is thinking about the phenomenon of perception and understanding. Her compositions often mix elements from visual art, musical theater and concert music. To do this, she likes to use noisy sounds, which are often generated with unfamiliar means and not incorporated into a given composition grid, but rather observed and continued in their free development.
Works / Recitals (Selection)
2017/18 ⅼ Im Auge des Klangs, composition for orchestra, premiere: 5.5.2018, Philharmonie, Acht Brücken für Köln, WDR Symphonieorchester, conducted by Emilio Pomàrico
2016 ⅼ Doppelbelichtung, for violin and samples; premiere: 13.9.2016, Oslo Ultima, Sentralen/Forstanderskapssalen, Karin Hellqvist, violin, Michael Acker, Experimentalstudio of the SWR
2011/2012 ⅼ Zugvögel, for oboe, clarinet, alto saxophone, bass clarinet, bassoon; premiere: 27.4.2012, Wittener Tage für Neue Kammermusik, Calefax Reed Quintett
2007 ⅼ Instinkt, for soprano, mezzo, alto, tenor, baritone, bass; premiere: 15.6.2008, Deutschlandradio, Köln, Schola Heidelberg, conducted by Walter Nussbaum
2004-2007 ⅼ hellhörig, for soprano, mezzo-soprano, baritone, 3 cellos, piano and 4 percussionists; premiere: 23.4.2008, Münchener Biennale für Neues Musiktheater, director: Georges Delnon, musical director: Erik Oña
1994 ⅼ In gewohnter Umgebung III, for violoncello, piano or espérou and video; premiere: 12.5.1994 Centre Culturel André Malraux, Vandoeuvre, Françoise Rivalland, Elena Andreyev
Discography (Selection)
FLOCK, Karin Hellqvist Violine - Carola Bauckholt: Doppelbelichtung, CD LAWO Classic LWC1179 - 2019
Schlamm, Edition Musikfabrik 11 - Carola Bauckholt: Schlammflocke, CD Wergo WER 68642 -2016
Portrait Carola Bauckholt - Cikada Oslo: Treibstoff, Laufwerk, Keil, Sog Lyd AS 20©15 [NOMPP1507010-040] 2L-116-SABD
Hellhörig, Carola Bauckholt, Produktion: Elektronisches Studio der Musikakademie Basel mit dem WDR Januar Coviello, DDD, 2009, stereo & multichannal (Hybrid) Nr.: 6338812
Portrait Carola Bauckholt – Instinkt: Geräuschtöne, Instinkt, Kugel, nein allein, Cellotrio, Schraubdichtung DLF 2008 Coviello, DDD, 2008, Nr.:3875167
Portrait Carola Bauckholt - Edition zeitgenössische Musik hrg. vom Deutschen Musikrat: Treibstoff, Klarinettentrio, Luftwurzeln, mehr oder weniger, Streichtrio, Zopf, sottovoce, Schraubdichtung CD Wergo WER 6538-2
Awards (Selection)
since 2020 ⅼ Member of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences and Arts
2019 ⅼ Best Sound Design Award, London International Animation Festival
since 2013 ⅼ Member of the Academy of Arts in Berlin
2010 ⅼ GEMA German Music Author Award in the category experimental music
1998 ⅼ Künstlerinnenpreis, State of North Rhine-Westphalia