Villa Aurora Grant Recipients | 2011

Apr, May, Jun

Sarah Schönfeld (Gast | Guest) | Artist

Sarah Schönfeld | © Markus Altmann
Sarah Schönfeld | © Markus Altmann
born in Berlin
studied Visual Arts at the UdK Berlin

Born in Berlin in 1979, Sarah Schönfeld studied Visual Arts from 1999 to 2005 at the UdK Berlin as a Meisterschüler of Lother Baumgarten’s.

For her project at Villa Aurora, Sarah Schönfeld plans to tell the story of both of her grandfathers, one a Jew, the other a member of the German Armed Forces through the medium of photography. During her stay she will attend a reenactment of  an event of World War II in which her grandfather had taken part. It is her aim to find a kind of reconciliation between the diametrically opposed origins and fates of both men and, in the end, to discover more deeply the conditions of her own identity.
