Villa Aurora Grant Recipients | 2022
Apr, May, Jun
Pascal Richmann | Writer (together with Enis Maci)

Pascal Richmann was born 1987 in Dortmund and studied Literature in Hildesheim.
Publications (Selection)
2019 | Es gibt kein Land mehr. Radioessay (SWR 2)
2019 | Man vermisst diesen Planeten. Radioessay (SWR 2)
2018 | Memories of Heidelburgh. Radioessay (SWR 2)
2017 | Über Deutschland, über alles. Essays (Carl Hanser Verlag)
Awards (Selection)
2019 | Residency at Literarisches Colloquium Berlin
2018 | Nomination for the Clemens-Brentano-Preis
2017 | Working scholarship of the Kulturstiftung Sachsen
2016 | Edit-Essaypreis