Villa Aurora Grant Recipients | 2022

Apr, May, Jun

Enis Maci | Writer (together with Pascal Richmann)

Enis Maci | Image: Private
Enis Maci | Image: Private

Enis Maci, born in 1993 in Gelsenkirchen, studied Literary Writing and Sociology of Culture in Leipzig and London.

Publications (Selection)

2019 | AUTOS. theater play – Suhrkamp Theater Verlag voraussichtlich 11/2019
2018 | Lebendfallen. theater play – Suhrkamp Theater Verlag
2018 | Mitwisser. theater play – Suhrkamp Theater Verlag
2018 | Eiscafé Europa. Essays – Edition Suhrkamp
2018 | Schlusskolumne. together with Kathrin Röggla

Awards (Selection)

2019 – 2020 | Fellowship at Villa Concordia, Bamberg
2018 | appointed Upcoming Writer of the Year by the Theater Heute 
2018 | Working Fellowship of the Deutscher Literaturfond and UniT Graz for AUTOS
2017 | Hans-Gratzer-Fellowship
