Villa Aurora Grant Recipients | 2017

Oct, Nov, Dec

Andreas Mand | Writer

Andreas Mand
Andreas Mand
born in Duisburg

Andreas Mand’s works include novels like "Grovers Erfindung" (Grover’s Invention, 1990), "Das rote Schiff" (The Red Ship, 1994), "Kleinstadthelden" (Small Town Heroes, 1996) "Paul und die Beat Maschine” (Paul And The Beat Machine, 2006) and "Der zweite Garten" (The Second Garden, 2015). From the cheerful to the melancholic, the loosely connected volumes portray everyday life in cities such as Krefeld and Minden. Mand’s typical protagonists are activists of the subculture, artists or even children. Apart from that he wrote a historical study of a reciter in the 1930s ( “Der Traum des Konditors” / The Confectioner’s Dream, 1992) and two plays. According to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung his latest novel “Der zweite Garten” shows the writer "at the height of his art." A critic of the Süddeutsche Zeitung concludes: "So he became the potential cult author of a lost generation ..." 
