Villa Aurora Grant Recipients | 2016
Jul, Aug, Sep
Tony Buck | Composer (together with Magda Mayas)

Tony Buck (drums/percussion) is regarded as one of Australia's most creative and adventurous exports, with vast experience across the globe. He has been involved in a highly diverse array of high-profile projects including the trio The Necks, PERIL (with Otomo Yoshihide and Kato Hideki ), and the band Kletka Red. Buck has toured and recorded with, among others, The EX, The Exiles, and Corchestra. He has been involved with most of the international improvisation and new music community, including performances at major festivals and venues such as Konfrontationen (ÖS), Donaueschingen (DE), London Jazz Festival (GB), Northsea Jazz Festival (NL), ATP, Mona Foma (AUS), Victoriaville (CAN), Musique Action (FR), MaerzMusik (DE), Barbican (UK) BAM (US) and the Sydney Opera House (AU). Buck also creates video works for use with live music performance and has had pieces shown in Tokyo, Belfast, Berlin, New York and Sydney. Current projects include TRANSMIT (a guitar driven post-rock project); CIRCADIA with Kim Myhr, Joe Williamson and David Stackenäs; SPILL with Magda Mayas; New York based trio "Glacial" (with David Watson and Lee Renaldo); The Hailu Mergia Trio with Mike Majkowski: the trio Velum with John Butcher and Magda Mayas: and a long standing duo with Axel Doerner .