Villa Aurora Grant Recipients | 2016
Apr, May, Jun
Tatjana Turanskyj | Filmmaker

Tatjana Turanskyj has a Master in Theatre, Literature and Sociology. Since the Mid-90s she has been working in theatre productions, perfomance- and video art. She was a founding member of Berlin women's film collective hangover Ltd.* (2001-2007), in all of whose 5 films Tatjana Turanskyj performed, and acted as a co-writer and co-director (REMAKE winning 1st Prize at Oberhausen in 2005).
Since 2008 Turanskyj is a partner in turanskyj&ahlrichs*** GbR. Her acclaimed and award winning film „The Drifters“ (Eine flexible Frau) is her first project with producers turanskyj&ahlrichs*** and had successful runs at more than 15 international festivals, such as Berlinale, Gothenburg and Cannes. It was nominated for a number of awards (Teddy Award for Queer Cinema; Debuter, German Independence Award, Bester Erstling Berlinale) and won the „Nuovi Sguardi“ Award for the Best Feature in Milan 2011.
Her second film "TOP GIRL" was premiered in 2014 at the 64th Berlin Film Festival Berlinale/Forum and had a theatrical release in Brazil. Turanskyj’s new film "Disorientation is no crime" (Orientierungslosigkeit ist kein Verbrechen) which she made together with documentary filmmaker Marita Neher is in post production. Turanskyj is currently developing a feminist horror moie with the title „Protect me from what I want - I want it all“.
She is co-founder of the ProQuota initiative aiming at equality for female directors in film and television.
At Villa Aurora Turanskyj will write the third and last part of the „Women and Work Trilogy: "Make Love, Not War".