Villa Aurora Grant Recipients | 2012
Oct, Nov, Dec
Peter Welz | Artist

- 1972
- Born in Germany
- 1993 – 1995
- National College of Art & Design, Dublin, Ireland
- 1997
- Cooper Union, New York, USA
- 1995 – 1998
- Chelsea College of Art & Design, London, England
Peter Welz is known for his contemporary kinetic refunctioning of the traditional concerns of the sculptural figures. He studied at the National College of Art & Design in Dublin, the Chelsea College of Art & Design in London, as well as at the Cooper Union in New York. Welz’ work has been exhibited in various European countries and the USA, and he has received several scholarships and prizes. During his stay at Villa Aurora, Peter Welz will finalize the third part of a portrait series. He plans on working with a film actor, resulting into a multichannel video installation.