Villa Aurora Grant Recipients | 1997
Apr, May, Jun
Roland Jaeger | Art Historian

Roland Jaeger studied art history, literary studies and archeology in Hamburg, earning an MA in 1984 and PhD in 1996. Since 1975, he has written for art newspapers and journals. His scholarly publications include Zinnober. Kunstszene Hamburg von 1919 bis 1933 (1983). Since the 1990s, he has published several works on architectural-history including: Block & Hochfeld. Die Architekten des Deutschlandhauses. Bauten und Projekte in Hamburg 1921–1938. Exil in Los Angeles (1996). Numerous publications followed dealing with exile research. From 1982–1994, he was director of an exhibition company. He subsequently worked as a freelance art and architectural historian and researcher on the subject of exile. Jaeger is editor of the architectural monograph reprint series Neue Werkkunst (1996–2002, 25 volumes) and a member of the Gesellschaft für Exilforschung' and the 'International Feuchtwanger Society'. Roland Jaeger lives in Hamburg.