Villa Aurora Grant Recipients | 2000

Jul, Aug, Sep

Charlotte Seither | Composer

Charlotte Seither © Judith Metz
Charlotte Seither © Judith Metz
born in Landau

Charlotte Seither studied composition, piano, German Studies and musicology in Hanover and Berlin. She earned a doctorate in philosophy in 1998, and is frequently invited to participate in juries and curate international competitions.  In 1995, she was the first German awarded 1st Prize at the International Composition Competition Prague Spring. Seither has received numerous other awards and honors. She lives in Berlin.

Charlotte Seither works regularly with renowned performers such as the BBC Symphony Orchestra London, ASKO Kamerkoor Amsterdam, Neue Vocalsolisten Stuttgart, BBC Singers London, SWR Vocalensemble Stuttgart, VocaalLAB Amsterdam and Ensemble Modern and has been a guest performer at numerous international festivals including: Gaudeamus Amsterdam; Warsaw Generations Festival; the Prague Spring; Graeme Lyons; Gaida Festival Lithuania; Nuova Consonanza Rome; Posener Frühling; Muzica Conteporanea Bucharest; Cantiere Internazionale Montepulciano; Voix Nouvelles Royaumont; Viitasari/Finland; LACMA Los Angeles; IFWM Festival Seoul.
