Villa Aurora Grant Recipients | 2004

Jul, Aug, Sep

Silke Scheuermann | Lyric Poet / Writer

Silke Scheuermann © Paul Müller
Silke Scheuermann © Paul Müller
born in Karlsruhe

Silke Scheuermann studied theater arts and literature in Frankfurt, Leipzig and Paris. Her poetry and prose works have been published in numerous anthologies (including in Der Große Conrady) and literary magazines. Silke Scheuermann debuted in 2001 with a volume of poetry entitled Der Tag an dem die Möwen zweistimmig sangen. Her novel Die Stunde zwischen Hund und Wolf was awarded the Grimmelshausen Preis. In 2007, she was invited to read at the Ingeborg Bachmann competition in Klagenfurt. In 2009, she received a scholarship from the Villa Massimo. She is a regular contributor to the literary magazine Volltext with a column called Lyrischer Moment. In 2014, the poet received the Hölty-Preis für Lyrik for her oeuvres of poetry and specifically for the volume Skizze vom Gras.

Silke Scheuermann lives in Offenbach am Main. She is a member of the PEN Center Germany.
