Villa Aurora Grant Recipients | 2005
Jul, Aug, Sep
Kathrin Röggla | Writer

- 1971
- born in Salzburg
Katrin Röggla writes prose, theater texts and radio plays and collaborates on the productions of plays and performances. In her own words, she frequently works across various media, using documentary methods, comedy and irony, experimental and critical of language, as well as the orality of written texts.
Röggla began studying German studies and journalism at the University of Salzburg in 1989 and in Berlin as of 1992. She gained literary renown in 1988, as a member of the Salzburg Autorengruppe, the Salzburg Literaturwerkstatt and the literary magazine erostepost where she was a member of the editorial board from 1990-1992. Röggla’s works have been published in literary magazines and anthologies since 1990. In 1995, she published her first work niemand lacht rückwärts. She has written and produced texts for radio (radio plays, acoustic installations, internet radio), as well as for the Bayerischer Rundfunk and for the Berlin network radio convext. She also writes for the theater.
Her awards include SWR Best List (2004), the Bruno Kreisky Preis for best political book (2005) and the Anton Wildgans Preis (2008). In May 2012, Röggla was elected as a new member of the Academy of Arts in Berlin.