Villa Aurora Grant Recipients | 2006
Oct, Nov, Dec
Sebastian Claren | Composer

- 1965
- born in Mannheim
- 1981 – 1984
- Composition with Helmuth Weinland
- 1984 – 1989
- Studies in musicology, philosophy and art history in Heidelberg and Berlin
- 1989
- Master’s thesis on the Missa Prolationum of Johannes Ockeghem
- 1990-95
- Thesis on the complete works of Morton Feldman
- 1993
- One year study abroad in New York
- 1994 – 2001
- Studied composition with Walter Zimmermann in Berlin and Mathias Spahlinger in Freiburg/Breisgau
- 2000
- Publication of the monograph Neither. Die Musik Morton Feldmans
- 2002
- Lecturer Darmstadt Summer Courses
- 2007
- Lecturer Ostrava New Music Days
Sebastian Claren lives as a freelance composer in Berlin.