Events | Exit Exil. Fünf Frauenleben in L.A. (2/5): What would Marlene say?
Radio | June 10, 2022 | 10:15 AM (PDT)

with Uisenma Borchu & Étienne Roeder
by Étienne Roeder
Broadcast: June 10, 2022
Time: 7:15 Uhr (CET)
Director: Philippe Brühl
Production: Deutschlandfunk 2022
More information:
Marlene Dietrich came to Los Angeles for her career and decided not want to return to Germany once the Nazis had seized power. Filmmaker Uisenma Borchu tells the story of the great influence Dietrich had on her own life and work.
Uisenma Borchu and her family immigrated / came to the GDR from Mongolia in the late 1980s. Her memories of that time are marked by racism and the feeling of not belonging. When she was 12 years old, she came across Marlene Dietrich for the first time and was intrigued by her non-conformity.
To this day, she has a soft spot for the film diva who fascinated men and women alike, always remained true to her principles and never gave in to the luring of the National Socialists, even after her career in the US came to a halt.
Together with Étienne Roeder, Villa Aurora Alumnus Uisenma Borchu, explores some rather unknown sides of "the Dietrich" and how she left her mark on Uisenma’s first feature film "Schau mich nicht so an".
A cooperation of Villa Aurora & Thomas Mann House and Deutschlandfunk.
After being broadcast on the radio, the radio features "EXIT EXIL. Five Women's Lives in LA" will be presented in our app "Exit Exil," which will be available free of charge in the appshops later this summer. In the coming years, it will develop into a central platform for artistic, journalistic and academic contributions focusing on German-speaking exile in the US. Current debates on migration, identity, etc. will take a prominent place. EXIT EXIL is designed as a network project and will be successively expanded by further content from alumni of the VATMH residency programs and cooperation partners from culture and science.
EXIT EXIL was developed within the framework of "dive in. Program for Digital Interactions" of the German Federal Cultural Foundation, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) in the NEUSTART KULTUR program.