Events | Yodeling Workshop by Villa Aurora Fellow Doreen Kutzke

Los Angeles | March 9, 2019 | 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Ready to Cheer? Start yodeling!

Yodeling is not a solely Alpine tradition but extends across many disparate cultures around the world, including Central Africa Pygmy singers; Persian classical music; and Australian Aboriginals. A yodel is not necessarily the sound we associate with pigtails and lederhosen. It is a vocal oscillation between the head voice and the chest voice; the break that occurs upon the movement between the two voices is the central characteristic of yodeling. Yodeling is not demanding on the lungs as it relies on diaphragmatic breathing which produces the same feeling of physical wellbeing as laughter or yogic breathing. Consequently, yodeling has long been used by humans as both an effective form of long distance, non-verbal communication and also as solo and communal vocal play.

© Birgit Kaulfuss


Kutzkelina aka Doreen Kutzke is a German performance artist, composer, singer, and vocal-teacher specialising in the art of yodeling. She grew up in the Harz-Mountain region and started yodeling at the age of six.
Her activities includes workshops, performances and concerts with numerous projects.

She founded the Yodel School Kreuzberg and teaches yodelling and advanced vocal techniques all over the world.

Doreen is the Villa Aurora Fellow of Musicboard Berlin.

More Info

Villa Aurora, 520 Paseo Miramar, Los Angeles, CA 90272


Admission $ 30
Tickets via Brownpaper


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