Events | is land a part
Berlin | August 29, 2015 | 9:00 PM

A cooperation of Deutsche Bank KunstHalle and Villa Aurora
is land a part (2014)
for double bass and computer
by Marc Sabat based nine poems by Uljana Wolf, with Frank Reinecke (double bass)
The poet Uljana Wolf and the composer Marc Sabat met in 2010 during their stay at Villa Aurora and together they developed "is land a part" in 2014.
The work forms a cycle of reflections based freely on Wolf's "false friends" (kookbooks, Berlin 2009) and was composed after the text's English translation by Susan Bernofsky, "False Friends" (Ugly Duckling Press, Brooklyn 2011). Each text is based on a letter of the alphabet, meandering in sound and meaning, to open an associative space between and beyond the two languages German and English. Wolf's work, which takes up the idea of translating, opens new perspectives to explore "harmony" perceived in music. Imagine several streams of sound flowing side by side that seem to reveal a common source to the audience at times or unite like islands before they split up again to follow their own course.
Uljana Wolf, recorded text
Marc Sabat, live electronics
Frank Reinecke, Bass
Duration: 35 minutes
Uljana Wolf lives as a poet and translator in Berlin and Brooklyn.
Marc Sabat, Canadian composer and audio artist, living in Berlin since 1999th
Frank Reinecke was born in Hamburg and studied with Klaus Stoll at the Hochschule der Künste in Berlin.
The concert is part of the 35th Lange Nacht der Museen and accompanies the exhibition Photo Poetics: An Anthology at Deutsche Bank KunstHalle.
The admission is €18 (€12) and allows entrance to all institutions participating at 35th Lange Nacht der Museen. For children under 12 years admission is free. Tickets are available online.
Saturday, August 29, 2015, 21pm
Deutsche Bank Kunsthalle / Atrium
Unter den Linden 13/15
Entrance Charlottenstraße, 10117 Berlin