Villa Aurora Stipendiaten | 2003

Jul, Aug, Sep

Jens Brand | Komponist

Jens Brand / © Privat
Jens Brand / © Privat
Geboren in Dortmund, Deutschland
Studium der Bildenden Kunst an der Kunstakademie Münster, Deutschland
Gründung der Künstlerinitiative “mex eV” in Dortmund, Deutschland
Künstlerischer Leiter “mex e.V.”
Lebt und arbeitet in Berlin, Deutschland

Ausstellungen und Konzerte (Auswahl)

brand (statistics) Dublin Doubles - Voorkamer presents Voorkamer, Broadcast Gallery Dublin; Irland
SPeed (at 80), Tributes to Phill Niblock, Raumklänge, Alte Feuerwache, Cologne, GermanyRaumarbeit 2 / Spacework 2 (Planetary Machine according to Potocnik) Sound installation, singuhr–hoergalerie, Berlin, Germany
Zé Bif, Duo with Marcelo Aguirre, Maerzmusik, Berghain, Germany
New Methods ... (Disappearancepiece 3) performed by Frederik Coene, Stuk, Leuven, Belgium
Brand Brands Original Vintage Deconstructivist Disapperance Of Media Do it yourself Kit Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue, Voorkamer, Lier, Belgium

Silence/Silent Landscape, sounds like silence, HMKV, Dortmund, Germany
G-Player, Sound Art, Klang als Medium der Kunst, ZKM, Karlsruhe
For Jenny (The Elephant), Cinema!, Voorkamer, Lier, Belgium

The Disapperance of Media / A Manifestation of Elephants, with Lisa Cousins, Shepherd Ndudzo and Walter Roil, Voorkamer, Lier, Belgium
Kleine Welt Maschine, Donaueschingen, Museum Biedermann, Musiktage Donaueschingen, Germany
G-Pod/G-Player, Transitio_MX 04, Cenrart, Mexico City, Mexico
The seven Signs of Terrorism with hans w. koch, CMMAS, Morelia, Mexico
Osaka Outlet, Gallery CAS, Osaka, Japan
Zweiklang, School of Music of the Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
G-POD, L Annexe Art Contemporain, Liege, Belgium

o.T. ad lib., Samstagsdemo Neuer Musik, Ensemble Zwischentöne, Berlin, Germany
VS, with Simon Nabatov & hans w koch, domicil Dortmund and cuba Münster, Germany
hrHUM/吽, Goldsaal, Hessischer Rundfunk, Frankfurt, Germany
11 (2 Pauls), Ausland, Berlin, Germany
The G-G-G Tokyo Outlet, Open Space 2010, NTT-ICC, Tokyo, Japan
Zé Bif, Duo with Marcelo Aguirre, t-u-b-e, Munich, Germany
code switching, Hong Kong Sundays, WDR 3, Studio für akustische Kunst, Radio Broadcast, Germany

BOREDOM VIDEO, with N, Jet Lag No 4, Pact Zollverein, Essen, Germany
Red Psi Donkey, Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria
G-POD/G-Player, “Vermessen”, Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur, Switzerland

Red Psi Donkey / HUM/吽 (24 h, Qinghai, China) / Music (by Madonna), Edith Russ Site for Media Art, Oldenburg, Germany
HUM/吽 (24 h, Qinghai, China), Guangzhou Triennale, Guangzhou, China
New methods … #3 , „Possibility of Action: ...“, MACBA, Barcelona, Spain, Le Cube Festival, Le Cube, Issy-Les-Moulineaux, France

Music/HCAT MPIGS/Fogg, Experimental Intermedia Foundation, New York City, USA
G-POD/G-Player, Zone V2, MOCA, Taipei, Taiwan, „SOUND//BYTES“, Edith Russ Site for Media Art, Oldenburg, Germany

G-POD, LAB 30, Augsburg, Germany
G-POD/G-Player, „Invisible Geographies – German Soundart“, The Kitchen, New York City, USA
BOREDOM, Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart, Germany

Stille – Landschaft, Galerie Rachel Haferkamp, Cologne, Germany
G-Player, Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria
In Mitte (der Welt), singuhr – hörgalerie in parochiall, Berlin, Germany

Motoren & Styropor, „Lumen & Dezibel“, Museum Kunst Palast, Dusseldorf, Germany
G-Player, „Klangraum-Raumklang – per->SON“, Kunsthochschule für Medien, Cologne, Germany
Paternoster, „soundwatch“, Gallery Surge, Tokyo, Japan

HUM 4:3:5+1, t-u-b-e, Munich, Germany
LA HUM, „LA Sounds“, Villa Aurora, Goethe-Institut, Los Angeles, USA
Motors & Styrofoam, Songlines Series, Mills College, Oakland, USA
Stille – Landschaft, Voorkamer, Lier, Belgium
Respirator Tracks / Tracts, CCNOA, Brussels, Belgium

New Methods for Circular Breathing, #2 / Piano & Ensemble, Ensemble Zeitkratzer, Klangzeit Festival, Münster, Germany
Stille – Landschaft, „Say Hello to Piece and Tran-quility“, HMKV Dortmund & Nicolaj Art Center, Copenhagen, Denmark
Artists say..., Videos, National Museum of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana

BOREDOMVIDEO, „Warmer to the stove“, New York City, USA
Ratchets / Everyone Laughed When I Sat down at the Piano, with Sam Ashley, Seance Ecoute, Paris /France and V2 Rotterdam, The Netherlands and Subtropics Festival, Botanical Garden, Miami, USA

HUM ARIA, ARIA, Puddles 2000, Aomori, Japan
BOREDOM, Installation and Performance, Sublime, HMKV/Duende, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
EROSVIDEOS, SYMPOSEON, moltkerei werkstatt, Cologne, Germany
Ratchets, Festival Primavera en La Habana 2000, Havana, Cuba
Ratchets /O.T., mit /with Eva-Maria Kollischan, Plan B, Tokyo, Japan

'%=%', with Christoph Bangert, Manuel Mota, An Seebach and Shinichi Yanai, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna, Austria
Ratchets, with Warabi Kai Akiyoshidai Shamisen Ensemble, Akiyoshidai, Japan
Ratchets, with Seth Josel, Roulette, New York City, USA
Mini-Fan Musik, 8. Internationaler Bauhaus Kongress, Weimar, Germany
Ratchets, „Beyond Baroque“, Los Angeles, USA

Visit Europe’s Largest Table Plateau, Onyx Shoe, Lier, Belgium
Affen, Entrance hall of the cultural department, Munich, Germany
Tisch / Sensoren und Streichhölzer, with Waldo Riedl, Podewil, Berlin, Germany
Ratchets, Headlights, Lisbon, Portugal

hot spot 2, Aurinko/Sun, Rauma Taidemuseo, Finland
Besuchen Sie das größte Tischplateau Europas, „Art Special Hansa“, Hansa Secondary School, Cologne, Germany

hot spot, Galerie Croxhapox, Gent, Belgium
Berufsgruppentrio, with Waldo Riedl, „Performing on the edge“, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Tisch, hybrid nights, The Kitchen, New York City, USA
Sensoren und Streichhölzer, with Waldo Riedl, C3 Centre, Budapest, Hungary

Kästrich Möbliert, Galerie Kästrich, Mainz, Germany
shaved, with Waldo Riedl and Kay Nishikawa, HbK Dusseldorf, Germany
Well- & unshaved, mit /with Waldo Riedl, Experimentelle Musik ’95, TU, München /Munich, Germany

Beschränkt, Kabinett im Kunsthaus Essen, Essen, Germany
Good & Normal, on the occasion of „critique“, Sidney Centre of the Arts, Sidney, Australia
Höhenrausch with Waldo Riedl, moltkerei, Cologne, Germany
Well- & unshaved, Experimental Intermedia Foundation, New York City, USA
Mini-Fan Music, Het Apollohuis, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Mini-Fan Music, Hermit, Klozter Plasy, Czech Republic
