Events | Mut-Muskel-Training! Zweitägiger Workshop mit „Radikale Töchter"

Los Angeles | 20. Juli 2024 – 21. Juli 2024

Goethe-Institut Los Angeles | 11 Uhr – 17 Uhr (PT)

Seit 2019 inspirieren die „Radikalen Töchter”, eine Gruppe von Performancekünstler:innen und Pädagog:innen aus Deutschland, in ihren Workshops zu wirksamen, außergewöhnlichen Formen der politischen Beteiligung. Ihr Trainingskonzept aus Aktion, Kunst und Politik soll den Funken überspringen lassen - und zeigen, wie einfach es sein kann, aktiv zu werden. Das Thomas Mann House und das Goethe-Institut Los Angeles laden am 20. & 21. Juli  zu einem zweitägigen interaktiven Workshop für Studierende und Organisator:innen!

*Diese Veranstaltung findet auf englischer Sprache statt*

Climate crisis, racism, political populisms: In light of such challenges, the world needs radical ideas and new impulses for action to tackle this current political climate. Above all, courage is needed, as well as an invigorated engagement with democratic values. Where are the new visions and practices of political engagement in times of vulnerable democracies? The workshops of “Radical Daughters" offer an introduction to methods and tactics of artistic activism which support fundamental democratic values such as liberty, equality, equity, and solidarity. They propose the so-called “courage muscle training,” which aims at transforming political anger into political courage and action. Their approach encourages to make use of the diverse repertoire of artistic activism to express concerns and discomfort whilst investing in finding new ways to address them.

Against the backdrop of the Thomas Mann House annual theme “Democracy & Vulnerability,” this workshop will address questions of political education, such as what politics is, how we can make democracies more resilient, and how we can be more courageous. The themes of this interactive dialogue will include the individual interests of the participants and their experiences, without lengthy lectures and seminars but rather by using public interventions, field research, and other creative approaches.

Join the Thomas Mann House and the Goethe-Institut Los Angeles for a political, creative, and activating workshop for those who want to get fitter at standing up for democracy!


Please RSVP here.


© Maike Kenn

Cesy Leonard is an action artist, speaker, and founder of the “Radikale Töchter” - inspiring people through political art to act and stand up for democracy, freedom, equality, brotherhood, and sisterhood. She studied acting in Berlin and worked in film, television, and theater. Often experiencing what it meant to have to conform to a clichéd image of a woman led her to start directing her own films. Her 2012 film “Guilt - The Barbarism of Europe” awarded her various prizes, such as the Web Video Award. In 2012, she joined the artistic staff of the collective “Center for Political Beauty,” which promotes pressing political issues through their art. Seeing how art, in particular, has the power to mobilize people to act is the inspiration behind the “Radikale Töchter.” Funded by the “Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung” as a model project, the team works to strengthen democracy in the former GDR.

© Christiane Deibel

Josephin Haardt studied International Relations and Economics in Erfurt. She has been working as a project manager and managing director of the "Radical Daughters" since April 2019. This is where her interests in democracy, sisterhood, and organizational talent come together.





An event by the Thomas Mann House Los Angeles in Collaboration with the Goethe-Institut Los Angeles and “Radikale Töchter”
